The Developments Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Jawa Timur Third Quarter - 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jombang Regency

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The Developments Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Jawa Timur Third Quarter - 2016

Release Date : November 7, 2016
File Size : 0.41 MB


Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Jawa Timur in the third quarter of 2016 was recorded at 108.23 means better economic conditions compared to the level of the second quarter - 2016. However, the level of consumer confidence in the third quarter - in 2016 slowed slightly by 0.19 points compared to Quarter II- 2016 reached 108.42. The level of public optimism in consuming goods and services continued to grow but not as optimistic Quarter II - 2016, because most of Ramadan falls in the month of June 2016. Meanwhile, factors affecting the level of consumer optimism in the third quarter of 2016 is the school holidays, Eid and Eid Al-Fitr Mubarak.

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